Our goal is to hit each and every campaign out of the park. After all, behind every lead sent to us is a thought-out lead generation strategy relying on us execute on the conversion side of the equation.
With that being said, results will depend on some factors that are outside of our control.
Some questions to consider are, how targeted are your online marketing campaigns? Which lead sources you are using? What is the current economic climate of the real estate market in the local area? Are there any special restrictions in place like minimum budget you'll accept?
Typical Campaign Results
With that being said, in aggregate, you can expect roughly 6%-9% of the leads we call to convert into a Live Transfer or a Booked Appointment.
This assumes a Facebook lead ad to a cold audience, with name / email / phone in the form questions.
On average roughly 90% of our conversions are of the Live Transfer variety, and 10% are Booked Appointment.
We place a strong emphasis on Live Transfers over Booked Appointments because a transfer is the single most valuable action we believe we can provide our clients.
Why? It's simple: the sooner you speak to the lead, the sooner you have an opportunity to establish a foothold in a relationship.
Booked Appointments, although valuable in their own right, do leave open the opportunity for no-show's.
Maximizing results of our service
The single most important thing a client can do to get the best results is answer our phone call. It's super important to make every effort to pick up the live transfers when you see them come in!
Connecting with the lead initially, when it's convenient for them to speak, can be the difference between winning their trust - and the sale - and not.
Please take note of our
Live Transfer phone numbers and plug them into your phone's address book so you recognize when we make a call to you.