When you sign up for a billing plan, you'll be emailed a secure link to your customer portal.
The portal enables you to:
-View your current billing plan
-Cancel your billing plan
-Request to upgrade / downgrade your billing plan
-View your payments made
-Download your invoices
Portal Email Invitation
Once your payment goes though, you will receive an email invitation to your customer portal. The email will look like this:
Note that you will not receive this email after each onboarding for you submit - only the first time you sign up for a billing plan.
Next, open the email and click on "Accept Invitation" to be taken to you the portal login page. If this is the first time you've logged in, it will ask you to create a password.
The screen will look like this:
View your account in the portal
Once you're logged in, you'll see a menu on the left hand side of the screen that looks like this:
To view your invoice history, payments made and a full billing statement, click the corresponding category.
To view current billing plan, click on Subscriptions. There, you'll see your plan listed. Click on your plan to open up the Plan Details screen. You can check the start date, renewal date, contact persons, and more. If you wish to cancel your plan, you will see a button in the upper right corner that says Cancel Subscription; it looks like this:
When you cancel you plan, your rebill is canceled and we remove the leads associated with your plan from our call queue. If you would like us to continue working your leads until the end of your billing period, cancel your billing plan just before the plan renews.