Your Call Report
As part of our service, you will receive a call report which updates dynamically to show the calls we are making to your leads.
This report includes all the basic lead information, last call result, call history, and whether or not our ISAs are still working the lead.
In addition, for Live Transfers and Booked Appointments, you will see the full ISA notes, ISA star rating, and the reason for the rating. Live Transfers will also include whether the transfer was connected successfully or not, and who we called. Booked Appointments will include the Appointment time and date as well.
When viewing your report, you can hover over the (i) at the top of the report right next to the column name will show the column description.

On the report, you can press the SPACE bar on any row to open up additional information about the lead. And hovering over any (i) in this view will also open up a description of what the field means.
This is especially helpful on Live Transfer and Booked Appointment call results.
Last Result Column
Once a call is made to a lead, the lead will show up on the call report. Our ISAs will "result" the call based on what happened during that call. This result will populate in your call report under the "Last Result" column.
Subsequent calls to that lead will update the info for that lead, along with the call history. The Last Result column will always show the latest outcome of a call.
Here is a list of the possible call results:
- Live Transfer: Our ISAs were able to Live Transfer the lead. This result happens whether the transfer was successfully connected or unsuccessfully connected. Check out this article to learn how the Live Transfer process works.
- Booked Appointment: Our ISAs booked an appointment on your calendar.
- Callback Later: An internal callback our ISAs have scheduled for themselves internally. Check out this article to learn how Callback Scheduled is different from Booked Appointment.
- Voicemail / No Answer: The lead's phone was not answered or we got a voicemail. We do not leave voice messages at this time.
- Not Interested (DNC): These leads are not qualified leads as they expressed no interest in buying a home and don't want our ISAs to call them in the future. Additionally, in the case where a lead is unqualified we will use this result and make a brief note on the reason.
- Bad Data (DNC): Wrong contact information submitted by the lead. Examples include a “fast” busy tone / disconnected number message, or if the person that answers indicates it's a wrong number.
Leads that have not been called don't show up on the report. If you have generated a lead but are not seeing it on your call report, there can be a few reasons why.
The most common is instance is where the phone number cannot be called because it's an invalid number.
For example, if someone fills out the lead form with 123456789 as their phone number or 55555, these are invalid.
It may also be the case that an area code does not exist (even if the number “looks” fine otherwise) - our system knows that can’t possibly be a valid phone number. It does not route the lead to callers and never gets called.

Leads are billed only if they have been called. This will likely be fewer than the raw number of total leads sent to us, and these uncalled leads don't count toward your billing plan.
Another reason why a lead is not showing up on the call report is because the lead has not been called yet, but is in the queue to be called. Leads which are pending often have come in overnight or during non-working hours. These overnight leads are routed in the order they came in and our ISAs begin calling these leads each morning. There could be other one-off situations so this is not a comprehensive account every possible situation. If you have a question about this, don't hesitate to reach out to us!
How do I know if the leads I have sent you have been received successfully?
When a lead has been successfully received by us, you will get an email notification. If you receive an email notification for a lead you have sent through, that is the confirmation it is in our call system.
Lead Notification Sample Email
If you don't see a lead in your report but did receive the email confirmation, refer to the above section about why a lead isn't showing up. You will not be billed for that lead.
Note that marketing agencies / consultants who are generating leads on behalf of a client will receive the email notification to their agency email address. Their clients do not receive any lead notifications.
Both Agencies and their Clients do receive notifications for Live Transfers and Booked Appointments.
And if you have a question about a specific lead, send us a note and we'll be happy to take a look.
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